O w n e r o f a l o n e l y c a r, 2024
↔️125 cm x ↕️69 cm x ↕️44 cm
Mixed materials
Part of the exhibition Out of their time for Galleri 54’s 70th anniversary curated by Henrik Persson.
This piece was in relation to Olle Zetterqvists artwork ”Utsikt Kaptensgatan 1954”. In his painting I sensed a lonely figure. Based on the figure and the title, I looked out from my own window - A chain of associations where young men, loneliness of the night and a suicide in a car in Västerbotten in the early 2000’s turned into a car sculpture.
Participating artists: Lennart Aason, Rachel Barron, Lars Blomqvist, Eva Dahlin, Gabriel Nils Edvinsson, Susanne Fagerlund, Valter Gibson, Knut Irwe, Linnea Jardemark, Leslie Johnson, Leif Knudsen, Berit Lindfeldt, Ralph Lundquist, Sara Lännerström, Bertil Malmstedt, Pia Mauno, Björn Perborg, Jacob Sjöstedt, Emelié Sterner, Nils Wedel, Jörgen Zetterqvist, Denice Zetterqvist, Olle Zetterqvist och Josefine Östberg
Photos: Sebastian Rudolph Jensen